Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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With this version, Greenspector invests in the GDSL to facilitate navigation in the forms and in all components of the page even if they do not have an identifier, text or description to find them

To complete the release note, you can find new tutorial here

Advanced search commands

Remplir un formulaire

New Features

  • As a user, I want new GDSL command pressTab, pressMajTab to simplify the navigation in web page or app so that I can for example go to next edit text easily.


For example in the previous image, we have the focus on the first Edit Text to set departure, we can navigate easily to next field to set Arrival by using the command pressTab

  • As a user, I want a new GDSL group of commands to handle form


formClickOnCheckbox to click on the nth Checkbox of the page


Code Block
# click on the first Edit Text 'Votre recherche'

# clic on the second Edit Text 'Précisez votre ville'

  • As a user, I want a new GDSL command findChildByIndexLastElementFound to find an element by his parent because it does not have any id, text or description to retrieve it.


As we can see in the image, the field has no text, content-desc and the resource-id may be shuffle. The field has eventually a class but we decide for the example to navigate on the view to find the interesting element.

Code Block
# Let's find the 'Départ' libelle

# go to the first parent

# go to the second parent

# then go to the 2th element of the parent to find the EditText

# set the text directly


  • Replace error message 'Expected element was not found' by 'Not expected element was found' when waitUntiGone GDSL commands fail

  • Rename the GDSL command clickOnFirstEmptyEditText by formClickOnFirstEmptyEditText and move it into new Group “Form”

  • Add the test report when using subcommand testdslcommand with TestRunner

  • You can get screenshot and dump files with TestRunner when using the subcommand

Code Block
> testrunner testdslcommand -c “dump”

You can then put those files in uiautomatorviewer

Fixed bugs

Fixed GDSL command ‘browserReset’ for last chrome versionFixed GDSL command '