An organization administrator can access different tracking and management features via left menu.
Tracking test times
The tab Test times shows the total time consumed for the license over the current month and the total time consumed over each month since the start of the license.
In the bottom screen, a summary shows the usage times consumed per active user in the organization
License details
In the shared instance, an administrator is only an administrator of his organization and the details are not useful. The feature to see license details of one organization is not implemented yet.
In dedicated instance, an administrator can see the details of his license (start time, end time, number of application and number of users)
Users management
Users tab displays the list of users.
An administrator can create a new user or modify user type or disable / enable a user.
User type
The administrator can choose a type for a user
Info |
User : User can create application. User can launch measurement on his application or in applications defined by administrator
Add a user
If the administrator create a user with ‘send an email’, the new user will received a mail to set his password.