April 2024

Greenspector Documentation has been moved.
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April 2024

New features

GSDL for android

  • As a user, I can use the new GDSL command filesDownloadFile to download a file in the Downloads folder of my device so that the website or app I test can upload it


Greenspector Studio Interface

  • As a user, I can configure a domain on a functional journey analysis step so that I can group steps in one domain. Domains will be used in a future release to have an ecoscore per domain.




  • As a user, I can view the steps of my functional journey analysis, including the criticality of the steps, their name, the domain they belong to, information if the steps are taken into account to calculate performance, data or energy score so that I can better understand the Ecoscore calculated from the steps.


  • As a user, I can edit the steps of my functional journey analysis. For example you can set a new Name if the name you use in your GDSL file is not friendly enough to be used in the synthesis.




GDSL for android

  • Fix all GDSL commands of FilesManager group to work in all TestBench devices. This fix works for two languages (french - France and English - UK). The fix takes into account distinct app to manage files on android :

    • com.sec.android.app.myfiles for samsung device

    • com.google.android.apps.nbu.files google app for recent devices

    • com.google.android.documentsui and com.android.documentsui google app for old devices

  • All GDSL commands of groups FilesManager have been renamed. Old name continues to work for backwards compatibility

Old name

New Name

Old name

New Name







Greenspector Studio Interface

  • When a measurement has been started but there is no ecoscore because no steps have been measured, the global view page now displays a message to see the latest report instead of displaying 'Internal error ' on the ecoscore.

Old screen



New screen



Old screen



New screen



  • When creating a new Benchmark type Analysis on a website or mobile application, 3 measurement iterations are now launched

  • Add application type ‘Web’ or ‘Android’ for any benchmark or functional journey analysis on page ‘global vision’

Mobile app Benchmark



Web site Benchmark



Mobile app Benchmark



Web site Benchmark



  • On account page, the Greenspector Token cannot be deleted

  • When user environment was not set, the button to download CLI is hidden on process 'Start an intermediate measurement' page

  • When adding a new user, the user account is not set anymore with default environment

  • On navigation header, a title is displayed when hovering over each button, the active page button is highlighted and the user initial of first and last name instead of initial of email is displayed in account button


  • Left menu title has changed from ‘Last test details' to ‘Jobs results’


Bugs fixes

Dashboard Campaign

  • Fixes a conversion error when transforming the unit KB to MB. Use factor 1000 instead of 1024.

Greenspector Studio Interface

  • When creating a new analysis, the user environment (PC running Windows/ Linux/ or Mac) was reset, causing bugs when downloading the CLI and TestRunner tools in the process pages. The user environment is now only set on account page.

  • On account page, the user environment was not saved if arch (32 / 64 bit) was not set.

  • On user management page, when the administrator add an user, the user was created but the list was not updated, the toaster was not displayed and the button to add new user did not work anymore

  • On Vision by step page, steps name could be empty if there is various version with distinct step names


Documentation changes

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