The function waitUntilPageLoaded doesn’t work every time
This function should be replaced with a function like waitUntilText or waitUntilId.
The measures don’t go until the same page
Between 2 measurement iterations, the loading time of a page can be slightly different.
Functions like waitUntilText and waitUntilId should be used to make sure the pages are loaded.
The swipes don’t always go to the same place
The swipe function reproduces the gesture that a user does.
By default, it lasts 500 milliseconds.
To be more precise, you can add a parameter with the time of the swipe.
For example, the line swipeVertical,90,10,50,1000
swipes from the point A (X:90 %, Y:50%) to the point B (X:10 %, Y:50%) during 1000 milliseconds or 1 second.