Security Considerations

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Security Considerations


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Cloud FAQ





Who is behind the Cloud hosting?

Our cloud servers are hosted by the French company OVH, one of the European leaders on the professional hosting market.

Where is the data stored?

Servers and data are hosted in an OVH datacenter in Gravelines, France. Your data does not leave the French territory.

What is their security policy?

It is available on OVH website on their security page

What about their Green IT policy?

It is available on OVH website on their Green IT page.

How is data transferred from your network to OVH?

All outbound connections use HTTPS protocol.

Data transmitted

Log data is sent by the GREENSPECTOR Core Server to our Updates & Monitoring Center server. This data is used only by our company, and only for internal purposes such as ensuring the best quality of service through services monitoring, safety of operations, and more generally for improvement of our products.

We do not provide this data to any third party except requested by legal authorities. Please refer to our License Agreement for more details about data conservation and disclosure conditions.

Data transmitted include:

  • services activity log at VM level (service, date/time of start or stop, error logs…);

  • error logs and security logs at application level (for example: user login, date/time of connection, canal used…);

  • usage logs at application level (for example: user name, date/time of connection, canal used, type of analysis requested, language…).

Data confidentiality

Only technical personnel duly accredited by GREENSPECTOR and our host provider can access your cloud instance.

Malware and viruses

For all software pieces hosted in the cloud, we are responsible for ensuring that they do not contain any malware or virus.

For all software pieces hosted on your premises or in your private cloud:

  • we are responsible for ensuring that the applications that we provide to you do not contain any malware or virus (this also applies to the full VM of the Core Sever);

  • you are responsible for ensuring that the VM on which our software is installed, the users’ PC, your mobile devices and more generally your network and infrastructure, do not contain any malware or virus.

Please note that our command line tools can sometimes be detected as malware due to the use of a Golang library to automatically detect the proxy https://github.com/rapid7/go-get-proxied

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