Testrunner prerequisites

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Testrunner prerequisites

This module is always installed on your premises.

As for the CLI, the testrunner module is installed as a single executable binary on the developer’s PC, or on any server running Windows, Linux or macOS

Do not double click on the executable, you have to run it in a shell.

Network flows

In most big companies, it is very common to separate mobile devices, developer computers, production servers and CI servers into different networks and apply strict firewall rules in between. Therefore, the following network prerequisites must be met for the testrunner to work properly:

  • The testrunner must be able to communicate with the Power Test Bench Server (if on-premises) or with the Core Server (HTTP/S ports 80/443). A proxy may be configured in that case.
  • The testrunner must be able to communicate with the mobile devices either through USB (for testing), or via Wi-Fi (ADB port 5555).
  • The mobile devices must be able to communicate with the backend servers.

Compatibility :

Windows (32 or 64 bit), Linux (32 or 64 bit), macOS


The default version of the CLI needs macOS 10.10 Yosemite or later. If your macOS version is previous 10.10, don't worry, we can provide you with a compatible version, please contact us.

Other tools

If you aim to write automation test script, you will need some tools to ease your life :

  • Install Android Studio on the tester's computer
  • Download and install the following sdk tools with the SDK Manager : Android SDK Tools (Obsolete) version 26.1.1
  • UIAutomatorviewer need a JDK (Java SE development kit) to run. Put the directory where to find the 'java' executable in your computer's path. You can use the JDK of android studio. You can find it in : PATH_TO_ANDROID_STUDIO/jre/bin

You can review the Smartphone integration tests procedure to make sure that each requirement is correct.

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