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Cloud with Power Test Bench
Olivier Philippot
Guillaume SUSSELIN
Maxime (Deactivated)
Solène MOREAU (Deactivated)
In comparison with the Cloud mode, a Power Test Bench is installed on your premises so that you can manage the smartphones yourself. This mode may suits your company better depending on its security policy regarding the tested applications.
The Core Server is still in the Cloud. The Test Bench is accessed by your users as an in-house service. The Power Test Bench Server also includes a gateway that transparently routes the flows between the Core Server and the Power Test Bench.
On the diagram above, Application Servers are the usual backend servers of your applications, and Application repository is the repository where you put the built applications (Nexus for example…).
Power Test Bench Requirements
The Power Test Bench Server is installed on your premises, delivered as applications to be installed on a Physical Server.
Below is the physical installation of the Power Test Bench with the smartphones power management through Plugwise Circles.
The minimum hardware configuration for the Power Test Bench Server is as follows:
- Physical Server (Not a virtual machine!)
- 4 Gb RAM
- CPU: 4 cores @ 2.8GHz
- 40 Gb Disk space
- 100 Mbps bandwidth
A physical server is required because a USB dongle, namely a Plugwise Stick, has to be connected to the server to control the power source of the smartphones.
Please note that these figures may vary depending on your number of agents. If needed, our technical team will assist you in a better sizing of the hardware.
Please note that if you install the VM Core Server on the Test Bench physical Server, you need to add the minimum hardware configuration of the VM so the minimum configuration of the physical server becomes :
- 12 Gb RAM
- 90 Gb Disk space
Test Bench devices
In addition to the server, you will need one or more test devices (smartphones, tablets). The device model should be chosen from compatibility list
Additionally, each smartphone has to be plugged to a power source through a Plugwise Circle (, so that the power source can be toggled on and off. The Plugwise Circles communicate with the Power Test Bench Server using the ZigBee wireless protocol. They must be installed within 3 meters of the Power Test Bench Server.
WIFI hotspot
A good WIFI hotspot is required. You can install a Cisco Meraki MR33 (Optional). See Test Bench network requirements
The following third-party software must be installed on the Power Test Bench Server:
- OS : Ubuntu 16.04+, Debian 8+
- Ansible >= 2.5.1 (for deployment)
- VirtualBox 6.0 (if the VM Core Server is installed on this server)
Prerequisites for the smartphones:
- OS : Android 5.0 minimum
- No software requirement
- Mentioned in the Compatibility List
GREENSPECTOR services are managed through supervisor and run with the user greenspector.
Network Requirements
Power Test Bench Network Requirements
The Power Test Bench Server dialogues with the devices with WIFI. WIFI stability is very important. See the Test Bench Network Requirements
Network flows
Below is the list of the network flows that must be authorized in your company firewalls.
Flow ID | Port/Protocol | From | To | Description |
TOOLS-1 | HTTP(S) 80/443 | Any computer or server which uses Tools (Browser, CLI, TestRunner...), Plugins (Jenkins plugin ...), or API | Power Test Bench Server | Usage of the GREENSPECTOR API and GREENSPECTOR Web Interface |
JENKINS-1 | HTTP(S) 80/443 | Jenkins instances | Power Test Bench Server | Usage of the GREENSPECTOR API |
GATEWAY-1 | HTTP(S) 80/443 | Power Test Bench Server | Core Server | Proxy tools, plugins and APIs incoming requests except test bench tests. You may need to gather a proxy configuration for this flow. |
TESTBENCH-2 | ADB 5555 | Power Test Bench Server | Test Mobile Devices | Connect to run tests, measure, retrieve measures |
TESTBENCH-3 | HTTP(S) 80/443 | Test Mobile Devices | Application servers | Access applications or backend servers |
TESTBENCH-4 | HTTP(S) 80/443 | Power Test Bench Server | Application repository | Retrieve applications to test (e.g. APKs) |
MONITORING-* | SSH 22 | GREENSPECTOR or Company Support Team | Core Server and Power Test Bench Server | Monitoring of the server |
BACKUP-* | SSH 22 | GREENSPECTOR or Company Support Team | Core Server and Power Test Bench Server | Emergency server access by the GREENSPECTOR Support Team |
DNS-* | DNS 53 | * | DNS Server | All modules must have access to a DNS |
NTP-* | NTP 123 | * | NTP Server | All modules must have access to a NTP server for time synchronization |
Maintenance and updates
The Core Server is monitored by GREENSPECTOR while you are responsible for monitoring the Power Test Bench Server (monitoring service status, checking log files for errors, etc.).
Database backup and restore
We are in charge of making backup of the Core Server’s data, and restoring it if necessary. You are responsible of backing up the Power Test Bench Server.
When a software update is available, our maintenance team will inform your Admin team. They will decide if and when they want to download the updated components and to install them.
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