GDSL ‘browserPrepareAndOpenForReference’ command does not work on my own device

This method is a bit special and is only useful for preparing the phone for measurement. This will not necessarily work on all versions of Chrome and Android.

Case 1 : you use Test Runner to set up your GDSL tests and Test Bench to do the measurement

If you are using your own phone to set up your GDSL tests, you can prepare Chrome manually on your phone by closing all tabs and then closing Chrome. Then you can replace the “browserPrepareAndOpenForReference” method with the “launchBrowser” method in your GDSL script. This method will allow you to make a simple chrome opening without preparation.

Be careful though, when you send your tests to the remote devices on Test Bench to obtain measurements, you will need to remember to put this 'browserPrepareAndOpenForReference' method back into your GDSL script.

Case 2 : you use Test Runner to do the measurement

If you want to do measurement with your own phone, you will probably need to install a compatible version of Chrome with all GDSL commands : chrome 110.