Use the impact model with the CLI

It is possible to use the impact model with several use cases.

To do this, download the executable environmental-footprint-assessment at the following location: > Environmental footprint > Environmental footprint assessment CLI

This executable allows to use the API with the default or the custom request.


Use default request

# Use with the default command ./batch-co2-csv default -i input_default.csv -o output_default.csv --sl 10 --sl 90 --tt 60 --tt 10 --tt 30 --tl 0 --tl 100 # Use without the default command (it is used by default) ./batch-co2-csv -i input_default.csv -o output_default.csv --sl 10 --sl 90 --tt 60 --tt 10 --tt 30 --tl 0 --tl 100


Running the program with :

  • a file named input_default.csv as input

  • a file named output_default.csv as output

  • 10% of the servers located in France, 90% in the rest of the world

  • 60% of smartphones, 10% of tablets, 30% of laptops

  • 0% users from France, 100% users from the rest of the world


An example input file is available at the following location: > Environmental footprint > Template input_default.csv


Use custom request

./environmental-footprint-assessment custom --input [path_to_input_csv_file]


An example input file is available at the following location: > Environmental footprint > Template input_custom.csv


The input csv file contains the following columns:

  • useCase: the name of the use case

  • isClientBattery, isClientUsageTime, isNetwork, isServerBandwidth, isServerRequest: use of the different footprint steps (true/false)

  • platDischarge, referenceDischarge, userLocationsFrance...: data related to the different footprint steps

  • *: mandatory data