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This is the simplest installation mode. The Core Server is located in our Cloud, and is configured to use our Power Test Cloud. We provide and manage the test devices. Only tools and client modules are on your premises.

On the diagram above, Application Servers are the usual backend servers of your applications, and Application repository is the repository where you put the built applications (Nexus for example…).



The cloud mode is our favorite installation mode. Upon receiving your purchase order, all operations are conducted by our team on our secured dedicated cloud service.
When we are done, we provide you with the domain name and IP address of your Core Server.
Then, we send you the plugins and probes (if needed) so that you can distribute them among your users for installation.


No server is required on your premises in this mode.


Outbound flows from the tools and the Core Server have to be made.

Flow IDPort/ProtocolFromToDescription
TOOLS-1HTTP(S) 80/443Tools, plugins, APICore ServerUsage of the GREENSPECTOR API
JENKINS-1HTTP(S) 80/443Jenkins instancesCore ServerUsage of the GREENSPECTOR API

Test Mobile

Greenspector public IP

Application serversThe Greenspector mobiles need access to applications to test (website or mobile app) using HTTP(S).
If website or mobile app backends are not public, Greenspector can give his public IP to authorize the connection.



 HTTP(S) 80/443

Power Test Bench Server

Greenspector public IP

Application repository

Greenspector TestBench retrieves applications to test (e.g. APKs) via an URL.

This is optional. Prefer sending APK instead of URL on APK when you create a job demand with Greenspector CLI


Only plugins requirements are mandatory. Refer to the Modules Prerequisites chapter.

Maintenance and updates


The entire server monitoring is done by our team. No action is required on your part.

Database backup and restore

We are in charge of making backup of the server’s data, and restoring it if necessary.


When a software update is available, our maintenance team will inform you before the update is installed. Then the whole software update procedure is done by our team. You only have to update the tools, plugins, and APIs.

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