http_request module installation
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http_request module installation
If you activated the http_request module, it’s possible you encounter an error of this kind.
INFO[2016-09-08T08:06:42+02:00] Phantomas - isPhantomasInstalled
ERRO[2016-09-08T08:06:42+02:00] Phantomas command execution failed: fork/exec : no such file or directory
INFO[2016-09-08T08:06:42+02:00] Phantomas - Install
npm WARN deprecated tough-cookie@2.2.2: ReDoS vulnerability parsing Set-Cookie https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/130
INFO[2016-09-08T08:07:53+02:00] Phantomas - Launch http://www.greenit.fr
ERRO[2016-09-08T08:07:53+02:00] Phantomas command execution failed: fork/exec : no such file or directory
ERRO[2016-09-08T08:07:53+02:00] Error while launching phantomas: fork/exec : no such file or directory
It happens because you activated the module but the phantomas dependency is not installed. The Testrunner is doing this for you but you still need NPM (Node Package Manager) installed on your computer.
From here, you need to add Phantomas Path and version in your config.yml, then relaunch the Testrunner.
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