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CLI (gspt) : command ping does not work
The command gspt ping
should return the results : Server pinged with success
If you have any error, please read the following :
Bad token
Unauthorized. Your token may be invalid. Please check your configuration.
Connect to your instance and get the token on the preferences page.
Url which does not exist
Sending ping request on
http.request: Server error (404) - content-type=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
In this case, please correct by using the command gspt init
to set an url which match a Greenspector API (see CLI documentation)
Proxy Issues or Url which exists but does not match any Greenspector API
The command may take time to respond. The CLI invits you to test the ping url in your browser. Open your browser and copy paste the url.
If your browser does not display a white page with OK, the url is not good, please fix it by using the command gspt init
to set an url which match a Greenspector API (see CLI documentation)
If your browser display a white page with OK, the url you have set is good but you probably need to configure a proxy. The documentation to configure the proxy is here CLI in the part ‘Optional proxy configuration’