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Previous releases
Release Note v2.5.11 - (2019-12-24)
New features
Android Probe
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Zebra TC52
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e
Test Runner
When a test is finished, I can see a test report and I can use log or screenshots to analyse a possible failure
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Move pause in good place before launching mesure when using Test Runner with yepkit
Fix android service which does not close on some devices
Web Interface
Fix sending email when the test is finished
Release Note v2.5.10 - (2019-10-24)
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Exclude dumpsys iteration for the calculation of the mean of the performance metric
Release Note v2.5.9 - (2019-10-11)
Web Interface
Improve test results page by showing class and method for each executed uiautomator test method (with annotation @test)
Fixed bugs
Power Test Bench, Test Runner
Fix pRelease Note v2.5.11 - (2019-12-24)
New features
Android Probe
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Zebra TC52
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e
Test Runner
When a test is finished, I can see a test report and I can use log or screenshots to analyse a possible failure
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Move pause in good place before launching mesure when using Test Runner with yepkit
Fix android service which does not close on some devices
Web Interface
Fix sending email when the test is finished
Release Note v2.5.10 - (2019-10-24)
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Exclude dumpsys iteration for the calculation of the mean of the performance metric
Release Note v2.5.9 - (2019-10-11)
Web Interface
Improve test results page by showing class and method for each executed uiautomator test method (with annotation @test)
Fixed bugs
Power Test Bench, Test Runner
Fix parsing error of uiautomator test results when error message contains some characters pattern
Fix switch network on device with LTE/WDCMA/GSM instead of 4G/3G/2G
Release Note v2.5.8 - (2019-08-26)
New features
Web Interface
As a user, in tests tracking page, I can cancel a pending or running job
Web Interface
Improve meter tab performance when toogle or delete measure
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Fix the metric average in the meter tab by ignoring the dumpsys iteration
Fix the deactivation of the last active measure of a test in meter tab
Release Note v2.5.7 - (2019-07-02)
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Bluebird EF501
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Fix the probe measurement by adding a delay after disconnecting the USB cable and before launching the test to allow the phone to return to a stable state
Android Probes
Fix probe for Alcatel Idol 4S
Release Note v2.5.6 - (2019-06-26)
Fixed bugs
Test Runner, Power Test Bench
Fix the switch network mode on device with dual SIM card (like Crosscall Trekker X4)
Release Note v2.5.5 - (2019-06-12)
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Fix thresholds tab with network mode
Android Probes
Fix probe for Samsung Galaxy A50
Release Note v2.5.4 - (2019-06-04)
Web Interface
As a user, in the measure table of meter tab, I want wakelock metric be "total activation time of wakelocks" instead of "maximum of wakelocks"
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Fix the activation of thresholds in thresholds tab in case of measurements in different configurations (WIFI, 4G, 3G, 2G)
Release Note v2.5.3 - (2019-05-14)
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Sony Xperia 10
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Motorola G7+
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung A40
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung A50
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Galaxy Tab Active 2
Release Note v2.5.2 - (2019-05-02)
New features
Test Runner
As a user, I can run a test with the wakelock probe enabled so that I can detect wakelocks problem when I put my application on background (beta)
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Fix dumpys module, you can now disable it for custom test
Fix the installation of depency components to keep previous manual configuration of these packages set on my phone (for example doze mode on android 9)
Release Note v2.5.1 - (2019-04-03)
New features
CLI, Power Test Bench, Test Runner
As a user, I can run my tests by selecting a mobile network (2G, 3G or 4G)
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy A3 - 2017
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Fix the testrunner bug when monitoring an uninstalled package on newer Android version
Power Test Bench
Fix bug when jobs fail in setup, they stay in pending state
Fix bug with URL benchmark not starting
Release Note v2.5.0 - Pear (2019-03-27)
With this new release, you can easily launch your tests on the phones of the Power Test Bench by selecting the network connection (Wifi, 4G, 3G, 2G). You can now verify that your application is efficient with bad network conditions.
For more details :
New features
CLI, Power Test Bench, Test Runner
As a user, I can run my tests by selecting a mobile network (2G, 3G or 4G)
CLI, Power Test Bench, Test Runner
As a user, I want to launch a benchmark on an application already installed on the phone
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Fix the ecoscore network algorithm used when benchmarking a mobile application
Release Note v2.4.2 (2019-03-04)
Android Probes
As a user, I want the configuration of my job triggered by the Test Runner or Test Bench overload the configuration of the Greenspector API defined in my instrumentation code
CLI, Power Test Bench, Test Runner
As a user, I want to have extra variables available when running my custom tests so that I can filter my instrumented tests
Test Runner
As a user, I want the TestRunner to automatically update its dependency components.
Release Note v2.4.1 (2019-02-26)
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Crosscall Core-X3
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Crosscall Trekker-X4
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Nokia 8.1
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Huawei P Smart
Release Note v2.4.0 - Olive (2019-01-28)
With this new release, you will have, for all your test steps, metrics of the Android system (in addition to the metrics of resources and energy). This allows you to more finely analyze the behaviour of the application and identify design issues. In the same way, with this version, you can measure several packages and you can distinguish the transmitted data from the received data.
For more details:
New features
CLI, Plugin Jenkins, Test Runner
As a user, I want to be able to measure multi package when I run custom test on my application
Web Interface
As a user, for each measure, I have new android metrics displayed on graph in meter page
Web Interface
As a user, I want distincts metrics to separate process data in reception and transmission
As a user, I want to delete my application
Fixed bugs
CLI, Plugin Jenkins
Fix option report broken by release 2.3.0 (nopal)
Test Runner, Free Runner
Fix bug when sending results of measure taken on local smartphone (only for Windows operating system)
Release Note v2.3.0 - Nopal (2018-12-17)
With this release, you will be notified by email of the status of your measurement job on the Power Test Cloud. On the probe side, with Nokia One and Motorola One, you will be able to evaluate your application on low end devices Android Go and Android One.
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Motorola One
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Nokia One
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Google Pixel 2
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy Tab S2
Web Interface
As a user, I can configure my profile to receive a tests report by email when my measure job is finished
Web Interface
As a user, I want to choose my device before launching the algorithm that splits up wanted autonomy into energy budgets on every feature of my application
As a user, when I open an application, I want to see a breadcrumb and I want my filters backed up so that I can have a better user experience when I return to the list of my applications
As a user, I want to see all dates formatted with my current language and time zone
As a user, I want lazy loading when I scroll the list of my apps so that the page loads quickly
As a user, on tests status tab, I want to see the tests status of all my iterations of benchmark or custom tests
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Fix a failure if directory .greenspector does not exist in user home
Web Interface
Fix the maximum number of pagination links in tests tracking page
Fix the use of the correct language saved when reopening the web interface
Release Note v2.2.1 (2018-11-16)
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Fix benchmark url for chrome 65 on nexus 6
Release Note v2.2.0 - Melon (2018-11-06)
With this release, you specify which autonomy of the smartphone you want for the user scenario, Greenspector takes care of the rest. The algorithm allocates energy budgets to each feature of your applications and tells you whether it respects or not the strategy. Based on the actual measurements you have made with Greenspector, the algorithm allows you to project a target autonomy and see if it will be reached. Interesting to detect as soon as possible an application that consumes too much and prevent a bug raising by users. Warning, this functionality is in beta test only on certain Greenspector instances (You can request access to enter beta test)
With this release, Greenspector create two distincts products. (Core Server and Test Bench Server). Each has its own version number. Before v2.2.0, Core Server and Test Bench Server are the same product and have the same version number. After v2.2.0, Core Server keep the version number v2.2.0 and the Test Bench Server take the version number v1.0.0
New features
Web Interface
As a user, I want that an algorithme split up wanted autonomy into energy budgets on every feature of my application
Test Runner
As a user, I can add in configuration adb commands which will be runned before any test on the device so that I can handle specific device parameters (like unlock, pin ...)
Web Interface
As a user, in evolution tab, I want to limit the number of versions in the chart so that I do not have overlapping versions
As a user, I want to order my measures by the time they have been created at so that I can easily find them
As an administrator, I can disable a user but I do not want to delete him so that all his measures are kept
As a user, in the evolution tab, I prefer to see the average rather than the sum on all tests for the discharge speed
Fixed bugs
Plugin Jenkins
Fix smartphones empty list when you choose an environment for your benchmark or your custom tests
Android Probes
Fix ArrayOutOfBoundsException that might occur when using the probe with Android Studio
Web Interface
Fix smartphones empty list when you choose an environment for your benchmark
Release Note v2.1.2 (2018-10-15)
As a Test Bench administrator, I can add, in agent configuration, adb commands which will be runned before any test on a device so that I can handle specific device parameters (like unlock, pin ...)
As a user, I want a better device setup before any job execution so that my device configuration is always the same
Fixed bugs
Fixed a panic error when a custom test failed in timeout and no measures were taken during the execution
Release Note v2.1.1 (2018-09-25)
As a testbench administrator, I want to see the stopped testbench agents in the monitoring screen
Fixed bugs
Fix benchmark or custom test that runs in a loop when the agent switch to state charging forced
Fix the misuse of agent 'customTestTimeout' parameter
Fix benchmark or custom test that runs in a loop when the test lasts more than 15 minutes.
A test can not be executed more than 3 times and a finished test can not received measures.
Release Note v2.1.0 - Leek (2018-08-09)
This release improves the energy and ressources measurement capabilities. The testrunner now has a Freerunner mode that allows you to initiate measurements for manual tests. Very useful when you've not yet automate the tests of your application! Added to this is the ability to measure new metrics such as CPU and process memory for the latest Android platforms (> 7).
Greenspector now integrates hardware measurement to measure devices that don't have a software probe. You will need to add an external module to take advantage of this capability.
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I can obtain CPU and memory metrics at a process level for Android >7
As a user, I want to run the benchmark tests with hardware measurement
As a user, I can get metrics of manual tests
Fixed bugs
Fix environment in project configuration was reset if application name or version was updated
Release Note v2.0.3 (2018-07-18)
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy S7
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy S9
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet (beta version)
Android Probes
As a user, I want a higher precision probe for my Samsung Galaxy J3
Release Note v2.0.2 (2018-06-28)
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
As a user you can change your password again, the feature has been broken by the ability to collaborate with your team on an application
Release Note v2.0.1 (2018-06-21)
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Remove internal metrics that appear on dashboard since the addition of the rule 'Transmit data in single burst'
Release Note v2.0.0 - Kiwi (2018-06-13)
This release brings a major evolution for users with multi-user mode. You can now share your applications in Greenspector and thus collaborate on the efficiency of the application within the team. This will further facilitate Devops' efforts to share between development, test and production teams.
In addition, the tool's navigation and usage have been improved thanks to a more user-friendly navigation bar and a totally revamped documentation with tutorials.
New features
Web Interface
As a user, I want to be able to collaborate with my team on an application
As a user, I do not want to see obsolete command
User documentation
As a user, I want documentation that is easier to read
Web Interface
As a user, I want a better experience with the left navigation bar
As a user, I can scan my token with a QRCode to easily use it in the FreeRunner on my smartphone
Release Note v1.19.0 - Jackfruit (2018-05-28)
The application dashboard has been redesigned to let you see the status of your applications in a synthetic way. On the rules side, Greenspector can now assess whether your application is using the radio cell efficiently by grouping communications together.
New features
As a user, I want a rule that detect that data sending don’t overconsume energy due to radio cell activation
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to have a reference measurement that is less dependant of the browser version
Web Interface
As a user, I want a new dashboard for my applications so that I can easily see the health of my app
Release Note v1.18.1 (2018-04-10)
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Motorola Moto G4
Release Note v1.18.0 - Iceberg Lettuce (2018-04-03)
The measurement of Android smartphones is done without hardware through software probes. A hardware probe is now available (in beta test) to measure energy in specific contexts (Phones without energy probe, connected objects, Iphone ...).
New features
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to be able to launch measurement on a smartphone with a restricted network connection (no WiFi connection or no adb WIFI available)
Test Runner
As a user, I want to use a new hardware probe so that I can measure energy on specific contexts (Phones without energy probe, connected objects, Iphone ...) (beta)
Web Interface
As GREENSPECTOR, I want each user acknowledge having read and accept GREENSPECTOR Terms and Conditions before using the service.
As a user, when I log in, I want to see a focus about a new awesome feature or a Greenspector news.
Release Note v1.17.2 (2018-03-15)
New features
Web Interface, API
As a user, I want to see my test times history of my applications
As administrator, I want to see the test times history for all applications and users of my instance
User documentation
As a user, I want better documentation of the Jenkins plugin installation
Fixed bugs
Plugin Jenkins
As a user, I want to choose my environment in Greenspector build step without having an error message in the environment list
Web Interface
As a user, I want to see consumed resources block on dashboard tab without having an empty block when I have previously run a benchmark of a web site
Release Note v1.17.1 (2018-02-23)
New features
As a user, I want a new REST API to get a report about all my tests launched for an application and a version (beta)
CLI, Plugin Jenkins
As a user, I have a new option to wait for the end of the measure and to generate a json report about all my tests launched for an application and a version (beta)
Free Runner
As a user, I can stop the measure by pressing the volume key so that the app is easier to use
Plugin Jenkins
As a user, I should use the new Greenspector build steps instead of the deprecated Greenspector post-build actions in my job configuration so that I can add another build steps after Greenspector actions in my build process.
Release Note v1.17.0 - Honeydew (2018-01-30)
New features
Web Interface
As a user, I want to have on the dashboard a synthetic view of my fonctional tests (number of passed or failed tests), and of my budgets (number of exceeded and warning budgets, number of budgets to configure)
Free Runner
As a user, I want a new tool to quickly meter a manual test while I execute it on my phone, so that I can meter in special conditions and nomadically, what a test bench does not allow
User documentation
As a user, I want better documentation of the Jenkins plugin installation
Release Note v1.16.2 (2018-01-15)
New features
License Client, License Server
As Greenspector, I want to track application creation and archiving history for cloud clients
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud & Test Runner
As a user, I can launch a benchmark on a phone with a new version of Google Chrome
Release Note v1.16.1 (2018-01-08)
Web Interface
As a user, on the dashboard bar graph, I want to see benchmark steps with colors so that I can quickly see steps with problems.
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
As a user, I want to see in Test Results tab all duplicated errors
Release Note v1.16.0 - Grapes (2017-12-20)
In its newer version, Greenspector reinforces furthermore the energy measurement capabilities of smartphones. Energy measurement requires putting the phone in mobile mode (ie phone non-connected to a PC and battery getting discharged), Greenspector tools allow all this in an automatic way. However, in some specific cases (OS with a restricted network connection, no WiFi connection available,…), the automated way isn’t doable. It is now possible to measure energy while being connected via USB simply with the addition of an open source hardware module. Continuous measurement from a software factory with specific phone is now realizable (phones used for Defense, for instance).
New features
Test Runner
As a user, I want to automate the tests launch with adb usb so that I can have the energy measurement without having to disconnect the usb before tests execution by using an open source hardware module
Test Runner
As a user, I only want to manually update to the last version of benchmark tests if necessary
Release Note v1.15.2 (2017-12-15)
New features
As a User, I want a new rule Minimize impact on platform discharge on mobile during scroll step
As a User, I want a new rule Minimize impact on platform discharge on mobile during background idle step
As a User, I want the rule Minimize impact on platform discharge on mobile during idle step to have refined thresholds
As a User, I want the rule Minimize impact on platform discharge on mobile during load step to have refined thresholds
Power Test Bench & Test Runner
As a user, if the device is not reachable during the execution of a test, I do not want the testbench to fail but wait for a timeout so that I can launch a test without adb wifi by connecting and disconnecting the usb
As a user, I can launch an apk benchmark even if I do not have chrome installed on my phone
As Greenspector, I want to be able to launch custom tests which run for over 10 minutes
As a Test Bench administrator, I want all packages installed on plugged phones, that are not on the configuration file, to be automatically deleted so that the tests environment is under control
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
As a user, when the tests I have run fail with big stack trace, I can see the details in the tests results screen
As a user, in the meter tab, when I delete all tests from a platform, I want the platform mean to be deleted automatically
Release Note v1.15.1 (2017-11-30)
Test Runner
As a user, I want to launch tests with adb usb and have the energy measurement by disconnecting the usb during the tests execution
Release Note v1.15.0 - Fennel (2017-11-16)
Let’s keep going with our Green veggies, shall we? The Greenspector team now proudly introduces the Fennel version of GREENSPECTOR!
This version of Greenspector allows you to track your test status. Just like in Android Studio, you have visibility into whether or not your functional test is compliant.
New features
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a User, when I launch custom or standard tests, I want my Test Results to be displayed so that I am able to see how many tests have failed and why so.
Web Interface
As a User, I want to see the Tests Details block before the Improvements one
As a User, when I launch a Custom or Standardized Test, I want to see the total number of network packets in the Meter tab results
Fixed bugs
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a User, I do not want my dumpsys measures to modify the first iteration of my apk standardized tests so that I do not have to deactivate my first measure on Meter tab
As a Power Test Bench Administrator, when I start a phone agent, I don’t want a job to be taken if the phone has a full battery
Web Interface
As a User, I want a job screen that handles job names that are long without having to scroll
Release Note v1.14.0 - Endive (2017-10-16)
Continuing on our Green veggies path, here comes the Endive version of GREENSPECTOR!
Bad network connection and/or bad network management by the application is one of the main causes of application slowness and bad user experience. In this version, we add the possibility to run your test in several types of 4G, 3G, and 2G connections and we added network rules for the application.
Now your users have a smooth experience no matter the connection context.
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy J3
As a user, I want new network-related rules so that I can check my APK behaves properly
Power Test Bench, Test Runner
As a user, I want to launch a measure with my custom tests in 4G, 3G, 2G (beta)
Power Test Bench
As a Test Bench administrator, I want to be able to update the Test Bench package using a non-root Linux user so that I do not have to ask the help of a Linux system administrator
Web Interface
As a user, I want the global eco-score to be adapted so that it is based on the network and resource metrics if the code analysis has not been launched
Release Note v1.13.0 - Dill Pickle (2017-09-21)
After Avocado, Broccoli and Cucumber, here comes Dill Pickle!
The Power Test Cloud is one of the features our users require the most as it allows a continuous measurement. Thus, controlling the resources consumption of applications is very easy. This is why this version mainly carries improvements for the PTC and features associated with it (implementation of resource budgets for instance). We also worked on performance, stability and security of the PTC.
New features
As GREENSPECTOR, I want secured network flows with HTTPS/SSL between GREENSPECTOR components and services
As a user, I want a new dynamic rules AvoidEmbeddedStyle so that I avoid to overload the HTML file of my web page
As a user, I want a new dynamic rules MinimizeUseOfIFrames so that I avoid to overload the HTML file of my web page
Power Test Bench
As a user, I want to monitor my Power Test Bench so that I see my phones' status and the running jobs
As a Test Bench administrator, I want a SMS notification if an agent fails
As a Test Bench administrator, I want all plugged phones to be automaticaly setup so that they are easily ready for the tests
Web Interface
As GREENSPECTOR, I want to be able to configure a regex for password so that all user profiles respect our customer password policy
Code Parser
As GREENSPECTOR, I want a faster code analysis so that all processor cores are used and memory is consumed less
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a Test Bench administrator, I want a more robust Test Bench which can handle small network connectivity problems and adb problems so that interventions are not necessary anymore
As GREENSPECTOR, I want a better battery algorithm for the Power Test Bench devices so that smartphones are more available for tests
Web Interface
As a user, I want to have the Test Duration instead of Mesure Duration metric so that I can have a performance indicator separated from the probes start and stop
As a user, I want to be able to set budgets on standardized tests in the Budgets tab so that it is no more limited to custom tests
As a user, I want the test measures to be displayed in the Budgets tab on the first activation of a budget so that I can set it directly
As a user, I want a more friendly way to display long name for custom tests in Meter and Budgets tabs
As a user, I want a responsive Budget tab so that display is ok on small screens
Fixed bugs
Code Parser
As a user, I want to launch code analysis on big files of several megabytes
As a user, I want to see violations for Android static rules when I launch Code Analysis
As GREENSPECTOR, I want to use autocommit on request so that it reduces the memory use in code analysis server and the risk of out of memory error
As GREENSPECTOR, I want a neo4j bug workaround so that some requests do not break neo4j anymore
As GREENSPECTOR, I want the neo4j timeout on some requests to be resolved so that I always get results
Test Runner, Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to get network violations even if there is a timeout at website loading
Web Interface
As a user, I want the environment list to be well updated in Schedule a test so that it not empty anymore
Release Note v1.12.0 - Cucumber (2017-07-24)
After Avocado and Broccoli, here comes Cucumber! The GREENSPECTOR team works hard to provide you with a tool always more interesting and complete, so we are proud to announce the newest Release v.1.12.0 Cucumber is out! Here below are the details on features updated and implemented in this latest version of the tool.
First off, plenty new energy probes were added. You can now, among other things, measure the energy of a Google Pixel C or even of industrial phones such as the Zebra TC56 or the Bluebird EF500. We also improved our probes architecture so it can better take into account evolutions of new Android versions.
Having resource budgets integrated to the tool allows you to control and manage any exceeding consumption of energy, data or performance. You are now able to easily identify overconsuming features of your applications, needing to be optimized.
And finally, web interface got freshened up, improving ergonomy hence providing you with a better user experience (UX).
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on BlueBird EF500
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Coppernic C-One
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Doogee X5 Pro
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Fairphone FP2
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Google Pixel C
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Huawei Mate 8
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Motorola Moto G4 Plus
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Nexus 6
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Nexus 6P
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Nvidia Shield Tablet K1
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Samsung Galaxy J7
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 GT-P5110
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Zebra TC56
Web Interface
As a user, I want to define budgets on functional tests and see if those tests do not respect them so that I can drive my development impact and define a correction plan if necessary
Test Runner,Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to run custom testcases so that I can analyse my own scenarios on a website
Web Interface
As a user, I want an improved user experience (ergonomy and UX improvement)
Fixed bugs
Test Runner, Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to be able to launch long running test (more than 15mn)
As a user, I want data process and packets number metrics when I launch measure on Android > 6.0.1
Release Note v1.11.0 - Broccoli (2017-07-11)
Powerful new Jenkins Plugin
New static and dynamic smart rules
Handy new access to Power Test Cloud from CLI
Numerous improvements and fixed bugs
New features
Code Parser
As a user, I want a new JS Parser with smart rules
As a user, I want to call the Power Test Cloud from CLI so that I can launch measure on Websites and APK
Plugin Jenkins
As a user, I want a Jenkins plugin so that I can continuously benchmark, measure energy and analyze code
As a user, I want JS rules AvoidWithKeyword and AvoidMethodsInLoopConditions to be updated so that they are more relevant in the New JS Parser
As a user, I want new HTML rules AvoidRenderBlockingScripts and AvoidRenderBlockingStylesheets so that HTML static analysis is more detailed
As a user, I want new dynamic rules OptimizeTimeToFirstByte, OptimizeTimeToLastByte, OptimizeCompletePageLoading so that dynamic violations for a website are more detailed
As a user, I want the UseGZIPCompression rule to be disabled because GZIPCompression is enabled by default on Android
Test Runner / Power Test Bench / Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want an API to upload an apk when I launch standardized tests so that I do not need an URL anymore
Web Interface
As a user, I want the ecoscore of my current version to be independent of previous version so that the ecoscore is stable
As a user, I want the Measure resources consumption on Mobile Platform violation to be removed so that the violations tab is easier to understand
As a user, I want the Measure resources consumption on PC violation to be removed so that the violations tab is easier to understand
As a user, I want the PC measure points to be removed from the ecoscore so that I can compare more easily ecoscore between applications
Fixed bugs
Plugin Intellij
As a user, I want a configuration window when I first launch the code analysis so that I do not have an error message anymore
Release Note v1.10.0 - Avocado (2017-06-0)
New custom APK testcases, UI Automator and Espresso, for Power Test Cloud, Power Test Bench and Test Runner
New Galaxy S6 in the Power Test Cloud
Improvements of Java Parser
New feature
API Java
As a user, I want the Windows typeperf tool to be integrated so that I have more metrics
Code Parser
As GREENSPECTOR, I want a call graph so that the parser can priorize rules
Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want Galaxy S6 to be added to the Power Test Cloud so that I can launch measures on it
As a user, I want Java Android rules to be updated so that they are more relevant in the New Java Parser
Java Parser
As a user, I want only the modified code to be analysed so that it is more efficient
Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to run custom APK testcases so that I can analyse my own scenarios
As a user, I want to measure my Website on a PC even if the page take more than 20s to load so that I can make an audit
Power Test Bench
As a user, I want to run custom APK testcases so that I can analyse my own scenarios
As a user, I want to measure my Website on a PC even if the page take more than 20s to load so that I can make an audit
As a user, I want the AvoidSuffixIncrement rule to be disabled so that there is no obsolete rule in the repository
Test Runner
As a user, I want to run custom APK testcases so that I can analyse my own scenarios
As a user, I want to measure my Website on a PC even if the page take more than 20s to load so that I can make an audit
Web Interface
As a user, I want the Improvements summary to be improved so that filters are more ergonomic
Fixed bugs
Java Parser
As a user, I want the InfixExpression graph to contain all operands so that rules can detect all violations
As a user, I want special characters to be handled so that I can see violations on those files
Web Interface
As a user, I want the dashboard to handle a lot of measures so that I can make continuous measurements
Release Note v1.9.0
New hybrid archictecture to suit all your administration needs (documentation available on demand).
New authentication securing with private token. We built a wall and bloatware paid for it, it's great.
New project archive feature, very useful, really.
Improved dashboard eco-score using new thresholds for dynamic rules built from the analyse of hundred of websites and mobile apps.
Several user-friendly improvements and bug corrections.
New feature
As a user, I want to be authenticated with a private token when I use plugins or APIs so that another person cannot use my account (the token can be consulted and regenerated in the profile settings)
On Premises
As a system admin, I want a new hybrid architecture so that I can administrate Greenspector VMs (documentation available on demand)
As a user, I want to be able to archive old projects so that I can better manage my active projects
Code Parser
As Greenspector, I want a New Java Parser so that rules are easy to implement
API Android
As a user, I want an Espresso test example so that I can write my own tests
Plugin SonarQube
As a user, I want a detailed documentation so that I know how to manage SonarQube multi-projects with one user account
As a user, I want my SonarQube project version to be used in the Web Interface so that my analysis versions are consistent in both tools
As a user, I want the ecoscore to be displayed in SonarQube plugin so that I can measure my application ecodesign
As a user, I want the thresholds for dynamic rules (network and client resources) to be updated so that my ecoscore is more relevant
Test Runner
As a user, I want the Android Launcher to handle all legal characters on native Android IDs so that there is no execution error
As a user, I want a user-friendly error message so that I am informed in case my Android version is not compatible (Android minimum version is 18)
Web Interface
As an admin, I want a new administration menu so that license information is displayed
As a user, I want to have a new tab with jobs queue after scheduling a test so that I can consult the state of my jobs and navigate to my results
As a user, I want a user-friendly dashboard so that I better understand my results
Fixed bugs
API Java
As a user, I want to be able to use spaces in PowerAPI configuration path so that there is no more error
Test Runner
As a user, I want the check of the Launcher PC version to be fixed on Windows so that there is no more error
As a user, I want to use the android_system_monitoring option in offline mode so that I can send those metrics with Greenspector CLI
As a user, I want to use all legal characters for my application name so that there is no more error
Test Runner & Testbench
As a user, I want the Testrunner to parse all legal characters in package name from aapt output so that the error 'Could not retrieve package name' does not occur
As a user, I want to save a new measure only if the page can load in time so that my previous measures are not distorted
Release Note v1.8.0
New Testbench Cloud (beta version)
New Android Probes
Several improvements and bug corrections
New feature
Testbench Cloud
As a user, I want a new Testbench Cloud so that I can start my consumption tests on GREENSPECTOR devices using website (beta version)
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on HTC Nexus 9
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Samsung Galaxy Note 4
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Samsung Galaxy Tab 4
Meter API Android
As a user, I want the Motorola MotoG probe to be compatible with Android version 5.1 so that I can make measures
Test Runner
As a user, I want the TestRunner to support Nexus 9 tablet so that I can make measures
Web Interface
As a user, I want to delete an application version in order to manage my application data
As a user, I want the GREENSPECTOR logo to be displayed so that the login page is beautiful
User documentation
As a user, I want a more detailed cache option description so that I can well use the TestRunner
As a user, I want bullet lists to be well implemented in order to see 'Reference' description
Fixed bugs
Meter API Android
As a user, I want a right UIAutomator example so that the first step of IntermediateMeasuresIdle gives a measure
As a user, I want to see only HTML violations when selecting an HMTL analysis so that no other language rule is detected (especially CSS UseCSSLinkInsteadOfImport one)
Release Note v1.7.4
New network request analysis (beta version)
Several improvements and fixed bugs
New feature
Test Runner
Add network request analysis (beta version)
Meter Standalone
Add one hour limited alert for Performance Tests
Command Line Interface
Improve error message at bad coverage files sending
Plugin Intellij
Add description in violations list
Plugin SonarQube
Update rules descriptions
Improve InstallHttpResponseCache and UseHttpResponseCaching rule descriptions
Test Runner
Add the ability to pass an authentication page during the test
Improve the use of testrunner by removing useless configuration
User Documentation
Improve installation instructions for TestRunner by adding USB mobile driver installation step
Update Test Runner documentation about Android minimum version 18
Improve greenspectorconf.json description
Web Interface
Display metrics in the same order in Evolution tab
Fixed bugs
Plugin Eclipse
Fix violation line number for others languages than Java
Fix the UseSpecificInterfaces rule detection
Fix the UseSimpleQuote example to replace double quote by simple quote in the solution description
Fix typo in StringConcatenationInAppendableConstructor rule description with _xxx_
Transfer AvoidInternalGetterSetter rule from Android to Java
Transfer AvoidPublicGetterSetter rule from Android to Java
Test Runner
Fix Mobile Test Runner not working if Chrome has more than one opened tab
Web Interface
Fix enable/disable measure refresh in Meter tab and HTTP 500 error
Fix Internal server error in the user add window when the form is empty
Fix test list refresh at test deleting in Meter tab
Fix scrolling bar position in dashboard
Release Note v1.7.3
Rules, Test Runner and Web Interface improvements and fixed bugs
API Android
Monitor an app using its PID
Reactivate ReduceLockDuration detection
Test Runner
Improve local apk handling
Web Interface
Improve translation for dumpsys metrics in Meter tab
Fixed bugs
Fix UseCSSLinkInsteadOfImport ID
Fix AvoidVirtualMethod change typo for Static and Final keywords
Fix AvoidUselessVariableDeclaration delete PHP example in Java rule
Web Interface
Fix bad compatibility with IE11
Plugin Eclipse
Fix difference between Mars and Neon analysis
Release Note v1.7.2
Rules improvements
New dumpsys metrics
New Android probes
New features
Android Probes
New Samsung Galaxy S6 probe
New Samsung S7 Edge probe
Test Runner
Add dumpsys metrics in Meter and Evolution tabs
Meter API Java
Improve PowerAPI probe launch via Meter API Java
Plugin SonarQube
Add Java Android rules
Test Runner
Improve Test Runner launch in an already installed application
Improve Android installation compatibility
Improve the use of testrunner with Android 6 phones
Stabilize reference consumption
Simplify phantomas configuration in TestRunner
Improve AvoidInternalGetterSetter detection
Improve AvoidPublicGetterSetter detection
Improve AvoidUselessVariableDeclaration detection
Improve AvoidVirtualMethod detection
Improve UseEnhancedForLoopToIterate detection
Improve LoggerDebugWithoutTesting detection
Improve StatelessWindowEventCatch detection
Improve UseIntLoopCounter detection
Improve AvoidPublicGetterSetter description
Improve AvoidSuffixIncrement description
Improve AvoidWithKeyWord description
User Documentation
Add solution for using android probe on Android 6 phone
Change Market place to Components
Web Interface
Display whether a rule is detectable during an analysis
Add measure date in Meter tab
Fixed bugs
Command Line Interface
Fix Phantomas file sending
Code Coverage Connectors
Fix inversed coverage in Eclipse Plugin
Plugin Eclipse
Fix Windows carriage return problem
Fix differences on static code analysis between Eclipse Plugin and Web Interface
Plugin Intellij
Fix AssertionError when opening an already opened file
Plugin SonarQube
Fix proxy error
Web Interface
Fix dashboard page slowness
Fix C rules display
Fix test deleting problem
Release Note v1.7.1
Improvement of Probes and Web Interface
Fixed bugs in Web Interface and Rule detection
GREENSPECTOR Android Probes support the Samsung Galaxy Tab A
Web Interface
Add a column ecoScore of the last audit for all the applications in the application list page
Correct Unit size for Absolute gain in Evolution Tab
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
On dashboard, the RESOURCES CONSUMED block is not empty anymore after a TestRunner job apk execution
No more HTML tags <code> displayed in Code tab
Fixed last audit date displayed on Web Interface
Fixed ExpandableTypeConstructorWithoutInitialSize detection in Web Interface analysis
Fixed AvoidUsingSuffixIncrement detection in Web Interface analysis
Release Note v1.7.0
Improvement of TestRunner
New powerful Dashboard
New Features
Android Probes
New Android Probes
Test Runner
Add ressource consumption analysis
Add HTTP request analysis
Web Interface
New powerful dashboard
New Marketplace for GREENSPECTOR components
New dynamic rules to be used with the TestRunner
New PHP rules
New GreenGraph parser integration
Plugin Eclipse
Select parsing languages through configuration file
Allow Eclipse plugin to scan a package
Activate/Deactivate Eclipse plugin startup popup
Plugin SonarQube
New parser integration to SonarQube plugin
Code metrics improvement
Improved descriptions
Test Runner
Testrunner work with firefox browser on windows
User documentation
Documentation update about rsync pre-requisites for API Java
Web Interface
Add error details at scan fail
Add code language field to CSV files
Add column sorting on all table controls
Stylize the select box on Firefox
Add rule title to Web Interface and CSV files
Fixed bugs
API Android
Fix Android probe crash on stopMeasure
Fix random launcher blockings
Plugin Eclipse
Fix difference on static code analysis between Eclipse Plugin and Web Interface
Test Runner
Launcher Android sometimes stays blocked
Web Interface
Fix wrong line when deleting a user
Fixed the line number return by AvoidUselessVariableDeclaration
Fixed the name of MinimizeUseOfIFrames
Fixed a crash when analyzing CSS3
Release Note v1.6.3
Improvement of TestRunner, especially now working on Windows.
Administrator can now see the application and audit of all users
Update instructions
TestRunner : Download the new version in your [Instance]/Downloads. Change in the configuration the version of PC launcher : launcher-pc-1.5.6
CLI : Download the new version in your [Instance]/Downloads.
Plugin Eclipse : Update version in Eclipse
New Features
Web Interface
Allow GREENSPECTOR administrator to see all users applications
Provide config template file with test runner
Run test even the smartphone is not managed
Possibility to run local test for PC test runner
Integration of drivers Selenium driver (chrome + firefox) in installation
Web Interface
Keep sorting rules in Code
Add priority information in the report from web interface
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
launcher-android : Not compatible with Nexus 5 under Android 6
Web Interface
Fix graphics not displayed on Firefox 38.6.1
Fix analytical problem if there are hidden directories
Plugin Eclipse
Improve the debug mode of Eclipse Plugin
Release Note v1.6.2
New Features
No new feature
Plugin Eclipse
Allow deactivation of the underline violation code
Web Interface
Return to the last visited rule in the Rules tab
Display the total number of violations and lines of code in the Code tab
Add the Show Zero option on the meter graph
User Documentation
Add documentation for Intellij plugin
Update user documentation for CLI help
Fixed bugs
Greengine Parser
Fix error of class not found in Greengine
Versions with letters mismanaged in the CLI
Plugin Eclipse
Fix Eclipse plugin instability
Plugin SonarQube
Fix GREENSPECTOR analysis problem in Sonar
API Java
Multiple probes launches on graphic mode
Fix rule criticity showing no gain or no difficulty
Fix no violation problem of StringConcatenationInLoop in Eclipse Plugin
Remove Prefer to declare array literally Java rule
Web Interface
Missing zero option in the Evolution graph
Misplaced label in the Evolution graph
Fix mundefine on Disk Process Metric
Fix meter metric column on the left which can be chosen randomly and be empty
User Documentation
Update on command
adb pull
to solve JSON measure file not visible in MTP mode
Release Note v1.6
Command Line Interface
Fixed bugs
Stop GREENSPECTOR-Cli if the analysis fails with --report option
Plugin Eclipse
Eclipse now handles application versions with quotes properly
Fixed bugs
Problem on Eclipse plugin update
Error logged instead of multiple error popups when deleting markers on a PHP project
Correction of GREENSPECTOR features activation in version 1.12.0
Allow only one completed tip when scanning multiple files
Update rule descriptions in Eclipse plugin
Fix priority flags colors in Eclipse plugin
Project Menu display corrected
Plugin Intellij
New Features
New plugin Intellij with Java / Java Android / JS / PHP / C / CSS / HMTL parsers
Plugin Sonar
New Features
New plugin Sonar with Java parser
Add JS / PHP / C / CSS / HMTL parsers
Make Sonar compatible with versions 5.x
Fixed bugs
Certificate error fixed
Fixed error Updating semaphore
Rule Description
Fixed bugs
Update of two descriptions Prefer to declare literally and Prefer to declare strings literally and remove of rule Prefer to declare array literally
Web Interface
Miscellaneous improvements
Fixed bugs
Correction of abnormal display in rule pages (Android/Html/Java)
Miscellaneous corrections
Release Note v1.5
Android Probe
New features
Calibration of Android probe for Nexus 6P
Fixed bugs
CPU process and Memory metrics on Android 6/Nexus 6P
Consistent units in probe and front
Command Line Interface
Add the ability to connect with the -u (Username) and -p (Password)
Create application and/or version if it doesn't exist when using CLI to analyze
Improvement of languages management in the command line interface
Fixed bugs
Command line codeanalysis send-folder working on MAC
Documentation and Wiki
New features
Add a chart with all the flows
Add data saving procedure
Add sonar and jenkins to CLI documentation
Add -u and -p features to CLI documentation
Add .greenspectorignore features to CLI documentation
Update the user documentation for Eclipse plugin and CLI
Update « Getting started » documentation
Fixed bugs
Requirements update for Eclipse plugin installation (Java 1.7)
Eclipse Plugin
New features
Integrate PHP parser in Eclipse plugin
Remove unnecessary dependencies in the Eclipse plugin
Improvement of ADT installation requirements (v23.0.1)
Fixed bugs
GREENSPECTOR features enabled on a PHP project
Difference fixed on static code analysis between Eclipse plugin and web interface
Error fixed on coverage import the first time
Performance problem of plugin Eclipse fixed during an analysis
No more error message when disabling GREENSPECTOR on a project
On Premises
Ability to change user password
Overlay during upgrade
Fixed bugs
Cron-log restart after proxy configuration update
Rule Description
Improvement of rule description Do not use in-hard concatenation in a stringbuilder and Use an adequate method of string concatenation (Java)
Deduplication of rule titles
Update of rule references
Rule Engine
New Feature / Improvements
No description about the rule of Prefer bitwise operation in web interface
Fixed bugs
Catch of rule exception
Indexoutofbound on rule StringConcatenationInAppendableConstructor
Consistent Waste metrics on web interface
Name and description added to one rule on Eclipse
Web Interface
Enable to delete testcase data if the uploaded testcase is wrong
Miscellaneous improvements
Fixed bugs
No more difference between CSV export and displayed violations in web interface
Tests cases displayed once in Evolution
Normal display in the rules page (Android/Html/Java) in web interface
Miscellaneous correctionsarsing error of uiautomator test results when error message contains some characters pattern
Fix switch network on device with LTE/WDCMA/GSM instead of 4G/3G/2G
Release Note v2.5.8 - (2019-08-26)
New features
Web Interface
As a user, in tests tracking page, I can cancel a pending or running job
Web Interface
Improve meter tab performance when toogle or delete measure
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Fix the metric average in the meter tab by ignoring the dumpsys iteration
Fix the deactivation of the last active measure of a test in meter tab
Release Note v2.5.7 - (2019-07-02)
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Bluebird EF501
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Fix the probe measurement by adding a delay after disconnecting the USB cable and before launching the test to allow the phone to return to a stable state
Android Probes
Fix probe for Alcatel Idol 4S
Release Note v2.5.6 - (2019-06-26)
Fixed bugs
Test Runner, Power Test Bench
Fix the switch network mode on device with dual SIM card (like Crosscall Trekker X4)
Release Note v2.5.5 - (2019-06-12)
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Fix thresholds tab with network mode
Android Probes
Fix probe for Samsung Galaxy A50
Release Note v2.5.4 - (2019-06-04)
Web Interface
As a user, in the measure table of meter tab, I want wakelock metric be "total activation time of wakelocks" instead of "maximum of wakelocks"
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Fix the activation of thresholds in thresholds tab in case of measurements in different configurations (WIFI, 4G, 3G, 2G)
Release Note v2.5.3 - (2019-05-14)
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Sony Xperia 10
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Motorola G7+
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung A40
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung A50
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Galaxy Tab Active 2
Release Note v2.5.2 - (2019-05-02)
New features
Test Runner
As a user, I can run a test with the wakelock probe enabled so that I can detect wakelocks problem when I put my application on background (beta)
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Fix dumpys module, you can now disable it for custom test
Fix the installation of depency components to keep previous manual configuration of these packages set on my phone (for example doze mode on android 9)
Release Note v2.5.1 - (2019-04-03)
New features
CLI, Power Test Bench, Test Runner
As a user, I can run my tests by selecting a mobile network (2G, 3G or 4G)
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy A3 - 2017
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Fix the testrunner bug when monitoring an uninstalled package on newer Android version
Power Test Bench
Fix bug when jobs fail in setup, they stay in pending state
Fix bug with URL benchmark not starting
Release Note v2.5.0 - Pear (2019-03-27)
With this new release, you can easily launch your tests on the phones of the Power Test Bench by selecting the network connection (Wifi, 4G, 3G, 2G). You can now verify that your application is efficient with bad network conditions.
For more details :
New features
CLI, Power Test Bench, Test Runner
As a user, I can run my tests by selecting a mobile network (2G, 3G or 4G)
CLI, Power Test Bench, Test Runner
As a user, I want to launch a benchmark on an application already installed on the phone
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Fix the ecoscore network algorithm used when benchmarking a mobile application
Release Note v2.4.2 (2019-03-04)
Android Probes
As a user, I want the configuration of my job triggered by the Test Runner or Test Bench overload the configuration of the Greenspector API defined in my instrumentation code
CLI, Power Test Bench, Test Runner
As a user, I want to have extra variables available when running my custom tests so that I can filter my instrumented tests
Test Runner
As a user, I want the TestRunner to automatically update its dependency components.
Release Note v2.4.1 (2019-02-26)
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Crosscall Core-X3
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Crosscall Trekker-X4
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Nokia 8.1
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Huawei P Smart
Release Note v2.4.0 - Olive (2019-01-28)
With this new release, you will have, for all your test steps, metrics of the Android system (in addition to the metrics of resources and energy). This allows you to more finely analyze the behaviour of the application and identify design issues. In the same way, with this version, you can measure several packages and you can distinguish the transmitted data from the received data.
For more details:
New features
CLI, Plugin Jenkins, Test Runner
As a user, I want to be able to measure multi package when I run custom test on my application
Web Interface
As a user, for each measure, I have new android metrics displayed on graph in meter page
Web Interface
As a user, I want distincts metrics to separate process data in reception and transmission
As a user, I want to delete my application
Fixed bugs
CLI, Plugin Jenkins
Fix option report broken by release 2.3.0 (nopal)
Test Runner, Free Runner
Fix bug when sending results of measure taken on local smartphone (only for Windows operating system)
Release Note v2.3.0 - Nopal (2018-12-17)
With this release, you will be notified by email of the status of your measurement job on the Power Test Cloud. On the probe side, with Nokia One and Motorola One, you will be able to evaluate your application on low end devices Android Go and Android One.
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Motorola One
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Nokia One
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Google Pixel 2
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy Tab S2
Web Interface
As a user, I can configure my profile to receive a tests report by email when my measure job is finished
Web Interface
As a user, I want to choose my device before launching the algorithm that splits up wanted autonomy into energy budgets on every feature of my application
As a user, when I open an application, I want to see a breadcrumb and I want my filters backed up so that I can have a better user experience when I return to the list of my applications
As a user, I want to see all dates formatted with my current language and time zone
As a user, I want lazy loading when I scroll the list of my apps so that the page loads quickly
As a user, on tests status tab, I want to see the tests status of all my iterations of benchmark or custom tests
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Fix a failure if directory .greenspector does not exist in user home
Web Interface
Fix the maximum number of pagination links in tests tracking page
Fix the use of the correct language saved when reopening the web interface
Release Note v2.2.1 (2018-11-16)
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
Fix benchmark url for chrome 65 on nexus 6
Release Note v2.2.0 - Melon (2018-11-06)
With this release, you specify which autonomy of the smartphone you want for the user scenario, Greenspector takes care of the rest. The algorithm allocates energy budgets to each feature of your applications and tells you whether it respects or not the strategy. Based on the actual measurements you have made with Greenspector, the algorithm allows you to project a target autonomy and see if it will be reached. Interesting to detect as soon as possible an application that consumes too much and prevent a bug raising by users. Warning, this functionality is in beta test only on certain Greenspector instances (You can request access to enter beta test)
With this release, Greenspector create two distincts products. (Core Server and Test Bench Server). Each has its own version number. Before v2.2.0, Core Server and Test Bench Server are the same product and have the same version number. After v2.2.0, Core Server keep the version number v2.2.0 and the Test Bench Server take the version number v1.0.0
New features
Web Interface
As a user, I want that an algorithme split up wanted autonomy into energy budgets on every feature of my application
Test Runner
As a user, I can add in configuration adb commands which will be runned before any test on the device so that I can handle specific device parameters (like unlock, pin ...)
Web Interface
As a user, in evolution tab, I want to limit the number of versions in the chart so that I do not have overlapping versions
As a user, I want to order my measures by the time they have been created at so that I can easily find them
As an administrator, I can disable a user but I do not want to delete him so that all his measures are kept
As a user, in the evolution tab, I prefer to see the average rather than the sum on all tests for the discharge speed
Fixed bugs
Plugin Jenkins
Fix smartphones empty list when you choose an environment for your benchmark or your custom tests
Android Probes
Fix ArrayOutOfBoundsException that might occur when using the probe with Android Studio
Web Interface
Fix smartphones empty list when you choose an environment for your benchmark
Release Note v2.1.2 (2018-10-15)
As a Test Bench administrator, I can add, in agent configuration, adb commands which will be runned before any test on a device so that I can handle specific device parameters (like unlock, pin ...)
As a user, I want a better device setup before any job execution so that my device configuration is always the same
Fixed bugs
Fixed a panic error when a custom test failed in timeout and no measures were taken during the execution
Release Note v2.1.1 (2018-09-25)
As a testbench administrator, I want to see the stopped testbench agents in the monitoring screen
Fixed bugs
Fix benchmark or custom test that runs in a loop when the agent switch to state charging forced
Fix the misuse of agent 'customTestTimeout' parameter
Fix benchmark or custom test that runs in a loop when the test lasts more than 15 minutes.
A test can not be executed more than 3 times and a finished test can not received measures.
Release Note v2.1.0 - Leek (2018-08-09)
This release improves the energy and ressources measurement capabilities. The testrunner now has a Freerunner mode that allows you to initiate measurements for manual tests. Very useful when you've not yet automate the tests of your application! Added to this is the ability to measure new metrics such as CPU and process memory for the latest Android platforms (> 7).
Greenspector now integrates hardware measurement to measure devices that don't have a software probe. You will need to add an external module to take advantage of this capability.
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I can obtain CPU and memory metrics at a process level for Android >7
As a user, I want to run the benchmark tests with hardware measurement
As a user, I can get metrics of manual tests
Fixed bugs
Fix environment in project configuration was reset if application name or version was updated
Release Note v2.0.3 (2018-07-18)
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy S7
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy S9
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet (beta version)
Android Probes
As a user, I want a higher precision probe for my Samsung Galaxy J3
Release Note v2.0.2 (2018-06-28)
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
As a user you can change your password again, the feature has been broken by the ability to collaborate with your team on an application
Release Note v2.0.1 (2018-06-21)
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
Remove internal metrics that appear on dashboard since the addition of the rule 'Transmit data in single burst'
Release Note v2.0.0 - Kiwi (2018-06-13)
This release brings a major evolution for users with multi-user mode. You can now share your applications in Greenspector and thus collaborate on the efficiency of the application within the team. This will further facilitate Devops' efforts to share between development, test and production teams.
In addition, the tool's navigation and usage have been improved thanks to a more user-friendly navigation bar and a totally revamped documentation with tutorials.
New features
Web Interface
As a user, I want to be able to collaborate with my team on an application
As a user, I do not want to see obsolete command
User documentation
As a user, I want documentation that is easier to read
Web Interface
As a user, I want a better experience with the left navigation bar
As a user, I can scan my token with a QRCode to easily use it in the FreeRunner on my smartphone
Release Note v1.19.0 - Jackfruit (2018-05-28)
The application dashboard has been redesigned to let you see the status of your applications in a synthetic way. On the rules side, Greenspector can now assess whether your application is using the radio cell efficiently by grouping communications together.
New features
As a user, I want a rule that detect that data sending don’t overconsume energy due to radio cell activation
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to have a reference measurement that is less dependant of the browser version
Web Interface
As a user, I want a new dashboard for my applications so that I can easily see the health of my app
Release Note v1.18.1 (2018-04-10)
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Motorola Moto G4
Release Note v1.18.0 - Iceberg Lettuce (2018-04-03)
The measurement of Android smartphones is done without hardware through software probes. A hardware probe is now available (in beta test) to measure energy in specific contexts (Phones without energy probe, connected objects, Iphone ...).
New features
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to be able to launch measurement on a smartphone with a restricted network connection (no WiFi connection or no adb WIFI available)
Test Runner
As a user, I want to use a new hardware probe so that I can measure energy on specific contexts (Phones without energy probe, connected objects, Iphone ...) (beta)
Web Interface
As GREENSPECTOR, I want each user acknowledge having read and accept GREENSPECTOR Terms and Conditions before using the service.
As a user, when I log in, I want to see a focus about a new awesome feature or a Greenspector news.
Release Note v1.17.2 (2018-03-15)
New features
Web Interface, API
As a user, I want to see my test times history of my applications
As administrator, I want to see the test times history for all applications and users of my instance
User documentation
As a user, I want better documentation of the Jenkins plugin installation
Fixed bugs
Plugin Jenkins
As a user, I want to choose my environment in Greenspector build step without having an error message in the environment list
Web Interface
As a user, I want to see consumed resources block on dashboard tab without having an empty block when I have previously run a benchmark of a web site
Release Note v1.17.1 (2018-02-23)
New features
As a user, I want a new REST API to get a report about all my tests launched for an application and a version (beta)
CLI, Plugin Jenkins
As a user, I have a new option to wait for the end of the measure and to generate a json report about all my tests launched for an application and a version (beta)
Free Runner
As a user, I can stop the measure by pressing the volume key so that the app is easier to use
Plugin Jenkins
As a user, I should use the new Greenspector build steps instead of the deprecated Greenspector post-build actions in my job configuration so that I can add another build steps after Greenspector actions in my build process.
Release Note v1.17.0 - Honeydew (2018-01-30)
New features
Web Interface
As a user, I want to have on the dashboard a synthetic view of my fonctional tests (number of passed or failed tests), and of my budgets (number of exceeded and warning budgets, number of budgets to configure)
Free Runner
As a user, I want a new tool to quickly meter a manual test while I execute it on my phone, so that I can meter in special conditions and nomadically, what a test bench does not allow
User documentation
As a user, I want better documentation of the Jenkins plugin installation
Release Note v1.16.2 (2018-01-15)
New features
License Client, License Server
As Greenspector, I want to track application creation and archiving history for cloud clients
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud & Test Runner
As a user, I can launch a benchmark on a phone with a new version of Google Chrome
Release Note v1.16.1 (2018-01-08)
Web Interface
As a user, on the dashboard bar graph, I want to see benchmark steps with colors so that I can quickly see steps with problems.
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
As a user, I want to see in Test Results tab all duplicated errors
Release Note v1.16.0 - Grapes (2017-12-20)
In its newer version, Greenspector reinforces furthermore the energy measurement capabilities of smartphones. Energy measurement requires putting the phone in mobile mode (ie phone non-connected to a PC and battery getting discharged), Greenspector tools allow all this in an automatic way. However, in some specific cases (OS with a restricted network connection, no WiFi connection available,…), the automated way isn’t doable. It is now possible to measure energy while being connected via USB simply with the addition of an open source hardware module. Continuous measurement from a software factory with specific phone is now realizable (phones used for Defense, for instance).
New features
Test Runner
As a user, I want to automate the tests launch with adb usb so that I can have the energy measurement without having to disconnect the usb before tests execution by using an open source hardware module
Test Runner
As a user, I only want to manually update to the last version of benchmark tests if necessary
Release Note v1.15.2 (2017-12-15)
New features
As a User, I want a new rule Minimize impact on platform discharge on mobile during scroll step
As a User, I want a new rule Minimize impact on platform discharge on mobile during background idle step
As a User, I want the rule Minimize impact on platform discharge on mobile during idle step to have refined thresholds
As a User, I want the rule Minimize impact on platform discharge on mobile during load step to have refined thresholds
Power Test Bench & Test Runner
As a user, if the device is not reachable during the execution of a test, I do not want the testbench to fail but wait for a timeout so that I can launch a test without adb wifi by connecting and disconnecting the usb
As a user, I can launch an apk benchmark even if I do not have chrome installed on my phone
As Greenspector, I want to be able to launch custom tests which run for over 10 minutes
As a Test Bench administrator, I want all packages installed on plugged phones, that are not on the configuration file, to be automatically deleted so that the tests environment is under control
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
As a user, when the tests I have run fail with big stack trace, I can see the details in the tests results screen
As a user, in the meter tab, when I delete all tests from a platform, I want the platform mean to be deleted automatically
Release Note v1.15.1 (2017-11-30)
Test Runner
As a user, I want to launch tests with adb usb and have the energy measurement by disconnecting the usb during the tests execution
Release Note v1.15.0 - Fennel (2017-11-16)
Let’s keep going with our Green veggies, shall we? The Greenspector team now proudly introduces the Fennel version of GREENSPECTOR!
This version of Greenspector allows you to track your test status. Just like in Android Studio, you have visibility into whether or not your functional test is compliant.
New features
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a User, when I launch custom or standard tests, I want my Test Results to be displayed so that I am able to see how many tests have failed and why so.
Web Interface
As a User, I want to see the Tests Details block before the Improvements one
As a User, when I launch a Custom or Standardized Test, I want to see the total number of network packets in the Meter tab results
Fixed bugs
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a User, I do not want my dumpsys measures to modify the first iteration of my apk standardized tests so that I do not have to deactivate my first measure on Meter tab
As a Power Test Bench Administrator, when I start a phone agent, I don’t want a job to be taken if the phone has a full battery
Web Interface
As a User, I want a job screen that handles job names that are long without having to scroll
Release Note v1.14.0 - Endive (2017-10-16)
Continuing on our Green veggies path, here comes the Endive version of GREENSPECTOR!
Bad network connection and/or bad network management by the application is one of the main causes of application slowness and bad user experience. In this version, we add the possibility to run your test in several types of 4G, 3G, and 2G connections and we added network rules for the application.
Now your users have a smooth experience no matter the connection context.
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Samsung Galaxy J3
As a user, I want new network-related rules so that I can check my APK behaves properly
Power Test Bench, Test Runner
As a user, I want to launch a measure with my custom tests in 4G, 3G, 2G (beta)
Power Test Bench
As a Test Bench administrator, I want to be able to update the Test Bench package using a non-root Linux user so that I do not have to ask the help of a Linux system administrator
Web Interface
As a user, I want the global eco-score to be adapted so that it is based on the network and resource metrics if the code analysis has not been launched
Release Note v1.13.0 - Dill Pickle (2017-09-21)
After Avocado, Broccoli and Cucumber, here comes Dill Pickle!
The Power Test Cloud is one of the features our users require the most as it allows a continuous measurement. Thus, controlling the resources consumption of applications is very easy. This is why this version mainly carries improvements for the PTC and features associated with it (implementation of resource budgets for instance). We also worked on performance, stability and security of the PTC.
New features
As GREENSPECTOR, I want secured network flows with HTTPS/SSL between GREENSPECTOR components and services
As a user, I want a new dynamic rules AvoidEmbeddedStyle so that I avoid to overload the HTML file of my web page
As a user, I want a new dynamic rules MinimizeUseOfIFrames so that I avoid to overload the HTML file of my web page
Power Test Bench
As a user, I want to monitor my Power Test Bench so that I see my phones' status and the running jobs
As a Test Bench administrator, I want a SMS notification if an agent fails
As a Test Bench administrator, I want all plugged phones to be automaticaly setup so that they are easily ready for the tests
Web Interface
As GREENSPECTOR, I want to be able to configure a regex for password so that all user profiles respect our customer password policy
Code Parser
As GREENSPECTOR, I want a faster code analysis so that all processor cores are used and memory is consumed less
Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a Test Bench administrator, I want a more robust Test Bench which can handle small network connectivity problems and adb problems so that interventions are not necessary anymore
As GREENSPECTOR, I want a better battery algorithm for the Power Test Bench devices so that smartphones are more available for tests
Web Interface
As a user, I want to have the Test Duration instead of Mesure Duration metric so that I can have a performance indicator separated from the probes start and stop
As a user, I want to be able to set budgets on standardized tests in the Budgets tab so that it is no more limited to custom tests
As a user, I want the test measures to be displayed in the Budgets tab on the first activation of a budget so that I can set it directly
As a user, I want a more friendly way to display long name for custom tests in Meter and Budgets tabs
As a user, I want a responsive Budget tab so that display is ok on small screens
Fixed bugs
Code Parser
As a user, I want to launch code analysis on big files of several megabytes
As a user, I want to see violations for Android static rules when I launch Code Analysis
As GREENSPECTOR, I want to use autocommit on request so that it reduces the memory use in code analysis server and the risk of out of memory error
As GREENSPECTOR, I want a neo4j bug workaround so that some requests do not break neo4j anymore
As GREENSPECTOR, I want the neo4j timeout on some requests to be resolved so that I always get results
Test Runner, Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to get network violations even if there is a timeout at website loading
Web Interface
As a user, I want the environment list to be well updated in Schedule a test so that it not empty anymore
Release Note v1.12.0 - Cucumber (2017-07-24)
After Avocado and Broccoli, here comes Cucumber! The GREENSPECTOR team works hard to provide you with a tool always more interesting and complete, so we are proud to announce the newest Release v.1.12.0 Cucumber is out! Here below are the details on features updated and implemented in this latest version of the tool.
First off, plenty new energy probes were added. You can now, among other things, measure the energy of a Google Pixel C or even of industrial phones such as the Zebra TC56 or the Bluebird EF500. We also improved our probes architecture so it can better take into account evolutions of new Android versions.
Having resource budgets integrated to the tool allows you to control and manage any exceeding consumption of energy, data or performance. You are now able to easily identify overconsuming features of your applications, needing to be optimized.
And finally, web interface got freshened up, improving ergonomy hence providing you with a better user experience (UX).
New features
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on BlueBird EF500
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Coppernic C-One
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Doogee X5 Pro
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Fairphone FP2
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Google Pixel C
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Huawei Mate 8
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Motorola Moto G4 Plus
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Nexus 6
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Nexus 6P
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Nvidia Shield Tablet K1
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Samsung Galaxy J7
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 GT-P5110
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Zebra TC56
Web Interface
As a user, I want to define budgets on functional tests and see if those tests do not respect them so that I can drive my development impact and define a correction plan if necessary
Test Runner,Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to run custom testcases so that I can analyse my own scenarios on a website
Web Interface
As a user, I want an improved user experience (ergonomy and UX improvement)
Fixed bugs
Test Runner, Power Test Bench, Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to be able to launch long running test (more than 15mn)
As a user, I want data process and packets number metrics when I launch measure on Android > 6.0.1
Release Note v1.11.0 - Broccoli (2017-07-11)
Powerful new Jenkins Plugin
New static and dynamic smart rules
Handy new access to Power Test Cloud from CLI
Numerous improvements and fixed bugs
New features
Code Parser
As a user, I want a new JS Parser with smart rules
As a user, I want to call the Power Test Cloud from CLI so that I can launch measure on Websites and APK
Plugin Jenkins
As a user, I want a Jenkins plugin so that I can continuously benchmark, measure energy and analyze code
As a user, I want JS rules AvoidWithKeyword and AvoidMethodsInLoopConditions to be updated so that they are more relevant in the New JS Parser
As a user, I want new HTML rules AvoidRenderBlockingScripts and AvoidRenderBlockingStylesheets so that HTML static analysis is more detailed
As a user, I want new dynamic rules OptimizeTimeToFirstByte, OptimizeTimeToLastByte, OptimizeCompletePageLoading so that dynamic violations for a website are more detailed
As a user, I want the UseGZIPCompression rule to be disabled because GZIPCompression is enabled by default on Android
Test Runner / Power Test Bench / Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want an API to upload an apk when I launch standardized tests so that I do not need an URL anymore
Web Interface
As a user, I want the ecoscore of my current version to be independent of previous version so that the ecoscore is stable
As a user, I want the Measure resources consumption on Mobile Platform violation to be removed so that the violations tab is easier to understand
As a user, I want the Measure resources consumption on PC violation to be removed so that the violations tab is easier to understand
As a user, I want the PC measure points to be removed from the ecoscore so that I can compare more easily ecoscore between applications
Fixed bugs
Plugin Intellij
As a user, I want a configuration window when I first launch the code analysis so that I do not have an error message anymore
Release Note v1.10.0 - Avocado (2017-06-0)
New custom APK testcases, UI Automator and Espresso, for Power Test Cloud, Power Test Bench and Test Runner
New Galaxy S6 in the Power Test Cloud
Improvements of Java Parser
New feature
API Java
As a user, I want the Windows typeperf tool to be integrated so that I have more metrics
Code Parser
As GREENSPECTOR, I want a call graph so that the parser can priorize rules
Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want Galaxy S6 to be added to the Power Test Cloud so that I can launch measures on it
As a user, I want Java Android rules to be updated so that they are more relevant in the New Java Parser
Java Parser
As a user, I want only the modified code to be analysed so that it is more efficient
Power Test Cloud
As a user, I want to run custom APK testcases so that I can analyse my own scenarios
As a user, I want to measure my Website on a PC even if the page take more than 20s to load so that I can make an audit
Power Test Bench
As a user, I want to run custom APK testcases so that I can analyse my own scenarios
As a user, I want to measure my Website on a PC even if the page take more than 20s to load so that I can make an audit
As a user, I want the AvoidSuffixIncrement rule to be disabled so that there is no obsolete rule in the repository
Test Runner
As a user, I want to run custom APK testcases so that I can analyse my own scenarios
As a user, I want to measure my Website on a PC even if the page take more than 20s to load so that I can make an audit
Web Interface
As a user, I want the Improvements summary to be improved so that filters are more ergonomic
Fixed bugs
Java Parser
As a user, I want the InfixExpression graph to contain all operands so that rules can detect all violations
As a user, I want special characters to be handled so that I can see violations on those files
Web Interface
As a user, I want the dashboard to handle a lot of measures so that I can make continuous measurements
Release Note v1.9.0
New hybrid archictecture to suit all your administration needs (documentation available on demand).
New authentication securing with private token. We built a wall and bloatware paid for it, it's great.
New project archive feature, very useful, really.
Improved dashboard eco-score using new thresholds for dynamic rules built from the analyse of hundred of websites and mobile apps.
Several user-friendly improvements and bug corrections.
New feature
As a user, I want to be authenticated with a private token when I use plugins or APIs so that another person cannot use my account (the token can be consulted and regenerated in the profile settings)
On Premises
As a system admin, I want a new hybrid architecture so that I can administrate Greenspector VMs (documentation available on demand)
As a user, I want to be able to archive old projects so that I can better manage my active projects
Code Parser
As Greenspector, I want a New Java Parser so that rules are easy to implement
API Android
As a user, I want an Espresso test example so that I can write my own tests
Plugin SonarQube
As a user, I want a detailed documentation so that I know how to manage SonarQube multi-projects with one user account
As a user, I want my SonarQube project version to be used in the Web Interface so that my analysis versions are consistent in both tools
As a user, I want the ecoscore to be displayed in SonarQube plugin so that I can measure my application ecodesign
As a user, I want the thresholds for dynamic rules (network and client resources) to be updated so that my ecoscore is more relevant
Test Runner
As a user, I want the Android Launcher to handle all legal characters on native Android IDs so that there is no execution error
As a user, I want a user-friendly error message so that I am informed in case my Android version is not compatible (Android minimum version is 18)
Web Interface
As an admin, I want a new administration menu so that license information is displayed
As a user, I want to have a new tab with jobs queue after scheduling a test so that I can consult the state of my jobs and navigate to my results
As a user, I want a user-friendly dashboard so that I better understand my results
Fixed bugs
API Java
As a user, I want to be able to use spaces in PowerAPI configuration path so that there is no more error
Test Runner
As a user, I want the check of the Launcher PC version to be fixed on Windows so that there is no more error
As a user, I want to use the android_system_monitoring option in offline mode so that I can send those metrics with Greenspector CLI
As a user, I want to use all legal characters for my application name so that there is no more error
Test Runner & Testbench
As a user, I want the Testrunner to parse all legal characters in package name from aapt output so that the error 'Could not retrieve package name' does not occur
As a user, I want to save a new measure only if the page can load in time so that my previous measures are not distorted
Release Note v1.8.0
New Testbench Cloud (beta version)
New Android Probes
Several improvements and bug corrections
New feature
Testbench Cloud
As a user, I want a new Testbench Cloud so that I can start my consumption tests on GREENSPECTOR devices using website (beta version)
Android Probes
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on HTC Nexus 9
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Samsung Galaxy Note 4
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can make measures on Samsung Galaxy Tab 4
Meter API Android
As a user, I want the Motorola MotoG probe to be compatible with Android version 5.1 so that I can make measures
Test Runner
As a user, I want the TestRunner to support Nexus 9 tablet so that I can make measures
Web Interface
As a user, I want to delete an application version in order to manage my application data
As a user, I want the GREENSPECTOR logo to be displayed so that the login page is beautiful
User documentation
As a user, I want a more detailed cache option description so that I can well use the TestRunner
As a user, I want bullet lists to be well implemented in order to see 'Reference' description
Fixed bugs
Meter API Android
As a user, I want a right UIAutomator example so that the first step of IntermediateMeasuresIdle gives a measure
As a user, I want to see only HTML violations when selecting an HMTL analysis so that no other language rule is detected (especially CSS UseCSSLinkInsteadOfImport one)
Release Note v1.7.4
New network request analysis (beta version)
Several improvements and fixed bugs
New feature
Test Runner
Add network request analysis (beta version)
Meter Standalone
Add one hour limited alert for Performance Tests
Command Line Interface
Improve error message at bad coverage files sending
Plugin Intellij
Add description in violations list
Plugin SonarQube
Update rules descriptions
Improve InstallHttpResponseCache and UseHttpResponseCaching rule descriptions
Test Runner
Add the ability to pass an authentication page during the test
Improve the use of testrunner by removing useless configuration
User Documentation
Improve installation instructions for TestRunner by adding USB mobile driver installation step
Update Test Runner documentation about Android minimum version 18
Improve greenspectorconf.json description
Web Interface
Display metrics in the same order in Evolution tab
Fixed bugs
Plugin Eclipse
Fix violation line number for others languages than Java
Fix the UseSpecificInterfaces rule detection
Fix the UseSimpleQuote example to replace double quote by simple quote in the solution description
Fix typo in StringConcatenationInAppendableConstructor rule description with _xxx_
Transfer AvoidInternalGetterSetter rule from Android to Java
Transfer AvoidPublicGetterSetter rule from Android to Java
Test Runner
Fix Mobile Test Runner not working if Chrome has more than one opened tab
Web Interface
Fix enable/disable measure refresh in Meter tab and HTTP 500 error
Fix Internal server error in the user add window when the form is empty
Fix test list refresh at test deleting in Meter tab
Fix scrolling bar position in dashboard
Release Note v1.7.3
Rules, Test Runner and Web Interface improvements and fixed bugs
API Android
Monitor an app using its PID
Reactivate ReduceLockDuration detection
Test Runner
Improve local apk handling
Web Interface
Improve translation for dumpsys metrics in Meter tab
Fixed bugs
Fix UseCSSLinkInsteadOfImport ID
Fix AvoidVirtualMethod change typo for Static and Final keywords
Fix AvoidUselessVariableDeclaration delete PHP example in Java rule
Web Interface
Fix bad compatibility with IE11
Plugin Eclipse
Fix difference between Mars and Neon analysis
Release Note v1.7.2
Rules improvements
New dumpsys metrics
New Android probes
New features
Android Probes
New Samsung Galaxy S6 probe
New Samsung S7 Edge probe
Test Runner
Add dumpsys metrics in Meter and Evolution tabs
Meter API Java
Improve PowerAPI probe launch via Meter API Java
Plugin SonarQube
Add Java Android rules
Test Runner
Improve Test Runner launch in an already installed application
Improve Android installation compatibility
Improve the use of testrunner with Android 6 phones
Stabilize reference consumption
Simplify phantomas configuration in TestRunner
Improve AvoidInternalGetterSetter detection
Improve AvoidPublicGetterSetter detection
Improve AvoidUselessVariableDeclaration detection
Improve AvoidVirtualMethod detection
Improve UseEnhancedForLoopToIterate detection
Improve LoggerDebugWithoutTesting detection
Improve StatelessWindowEventCatch detection
Improve UseIntLoopCounter detection
Improve AvoidPublicGetterSetter description
Improve AvoidSuffixIncrement description
Improve AvoidWithKeyWord description
User Documentation
Add solution for using android probe on Android 6 phone
Change Market place to Components
Web Interface
Display whether a rule is detectable during an analysis
Add measure date in Meter tab
Fixed bugs
Command Line Interface
Fix Phantomas file sending
Code Coverage Connectors
Fix inversed coverage in Eclipse Plugin
Plugin Eclipse
Fix Windows carriage return problem
Fix differences on static code analysis between Eclipse Plugin and Web Interface
Plugin Intellij
Fix AssertionError when opening an already opened file
Plugin SonarQube
Fix proxy error
Web Interface
Fix dashboard page slowness
Fix C rules display
Fix test deleting problem
Release Note v1.7.1
Improvement of Probes and Web Interface
Fixed bugs in Web Interface and Rule detection
GREENSPECTOR Android Probes support the Samsung Galaxy Tab A
Web Interface
Add a column ecoScore of the last audit for all the applications in the application list page
Correct Unit size for Absolute gain in Evolution Tab
Fixed bugs
Web Interface
On dashboard, the RESOURCES CONSUMED block is not empty anymore after a TestRunner job apk execution
No more HTML tags <code> displayed in Code tab
Fixed last audit date displayed on Web Interface
Fixed ExpandableTypeConstructorWithoutInitialSize detection in Web Interface analysis
Fixed AvoidUsingSuffixIncrement detection in Web Interface analysis
Release Note v1.7.0
Improvement of TestRunner
New powerful Dashboard
New Features
Android Probes
New Android Probes
Test Runner
Add ressource consumption analysis
Add HTTP request analysis
Web Interface
New powerful dashboard
New Marketplace for GREENSPECTOR components
New dynamic rules to be used with the TestRunner
New PHP rules
New GreenGraph parser integration
Plugin Eclipse
Select parsing languages through configuration file
Allow Eclipse plugin to scan a package
Activate/Deactivate Eclipse plugin startup popup
Plugin SonarQube
New parser integration to SonarQube plugin
Code metrics improvement
Improved descriptions
Test Runner
Testrunner work with firefox browser on windows
User documentation
Documentation update about rsync pre-requisites for API Java
Web Interface
Add error details at scan fail
Add code language field to CSV files
Add column sorting on all table controls
Stylize the select box on Firefox
Add rule title to Web Interface and CSV files
Fixed bugs
API Android
Fix Android probe crash on stopMeasure
Fix random launcher blockings
Plugin Eclipse
Fix difference on static code analysis between Eclipse Plugin and Web Interface
Test Runner
Launcher Android sometimes stays blocked
Web Interface
Fix wrong line when deleting a user
Fixed the line number return by AvoidUselessVariableDeclaration
Fixed the name of MinimizeUseOfIFrames
Fixed a crash when analyzing CSS3
Release Note v1.6.3
Improvement of TestRunner, especially now working on Windows.
Administrator can now see the application and audit of all users
Update instructions
TestRunner : Download the new version in your [Instance]/Downloads. Change in the configuration the version of PC launcher : launcher-pc-1.5.6
CLI : Download the new version in your [Instance]/Downloads.
Plugin Eclipse : Update version in Eclipse
New Features
Web Interface
Allow GREENSPECTOR administrator to see all users applications
Provide config template file with test runner
Run test even the smartphone is not managed
Possibility to run local test for PC test runner
Integration of drivers Selenium driver (chrome + firefox) in installation
Web Interface
Keep sorting rules in Code
Add priority information in the report from web interface
Fixed bugs
Test Runner
launcher-android : Not compatible with Nexus 5 under Android 6
Web Interface
Fix graphics not displayed on Firefox 38.6.1
Fix analytical problem if there are hidden directories
Plugin Eclipse
Improve the debug mode of Eclipse Plugin
Release Note v1.6.2
New Features
No new feature
Plugin Eclipse
Allow deactivation of the underline violation code
Web Interface
Return to the last visited rule in the Rules tab
Display the total number of violations and lines of code in the Code tab
Add the Show Zero option on the meter graph
User Documentation
Add documentation for Intellij plugin
Update user documentation for CLI help
Fixed bugs
Greengine Parser
Fix error of class not found in Greengine
Versions with letters mismanaged in the CLI
Plugin Eclipse
Fix Eclipse plugin instability
Plugin SonarQube
Fix GREENSPECTOR analysis problem in Sonar
API Java
Multiple probes launches on graphic mode
Fix rule criticity showing no gain or no difficulty
Fix no violation problem of StringConcatenationInLoop in Eclipse Plugin
Remove Prefer to declare array literally Java rule
Web Interface
Missing zero option in the Evolution graph
Misplaced label in the Evolution graph
Fix mundefine on Disk Process Metric
Fix meter metric column on the left which can be chosen randomly and be empty
User Documentation
Update on command
adb pull
to solve JSON measure file not visible in MTP mode
Release Note v1.6
Command Line Interface
Fixed bugs
Stop GREENSPECTOR-Cli if the analysis fails with --report option
Plugin Eclipse
Eclipse now handles application versions with quotes properly
Fixed bugs
Problem on Eclipse plugin update
Error logged instead of multiple error popups when deleting markers on a PHP project
Correction of GREENSPECTOR features activation in version 1.12.0
Allow only one completed tip when scanning multiple files
Update rule descriptions in Eclipse plugin
Fix priority flags colors in Eclipse plugin
Project Menu display corrected
Plugin Intellij
New Features
New plugin Intellij with Java / Java Android / JS / PHP / C / CSS / HMTL parsers
Plugin Sonar
New Features
New plugin Sonar with Java parser
Add JS / PHP / C / CSS / HMTL parsers
Make Sonar compatible with versions 5.x
Fixed bugs
Certificate error fixed
Fixed error Updating semaphore
Rule Description
Fixed bugs
Update of two descriptions Prefer to declare literally and Prefer to declare strings literally and remove of rule Prefer to declare array literally
Web Interface
Miscellaneous improvements
Fixed bugs
Correction of abnormal display in rule pages (Android/Html/Java)
Miscellaneous corrections
Release Note v1.5
Android Probe
New features
Calibration of Android probe for Nexus 6P
Fixed bugs
CPU process and Memory metrics on Android 6/Nexus 6P
Consistent units in probe and front
Command Line Interface
Add the ability to connect with the -u (Username) and -p (Password)
Create application and/or version if it doesn't exist when using CLI to analyze
Improvement of languages management in the command line interface
Fixed bugs
Command line codeanalysis send-folder working on MAC
Documentation and Wiki
New features
Add a chart with all the flows
Add data saving procedure
Add sonar and jenkins to CLI documentation
Add -u and -p features to CLI documentation
Add .greenspectorignore features to CLI documentation
Update the user documentation for Eclipse plugin and CLI
Update « Getting started » documentation
Fixed bugs
Requirements update for Eclipse plugin installation (Java 1.7)
Eclipse Plugin
New features
Integrate PHP parser in Eclipse plugin
Remove unnecessary dependencies in the Eclipse plugin
Improvement of ADT installation requirements (v23.0.1)
Fixed bugs
GREENSPECTOR features enabled on a PHP project
Difference fixed on static code analysis between Eclipse plugin and web interface
Error fixed on coverage import the first time
Performance problem of plugin Eclipse fixed during an analysis
No more error message when disabling GREENSPECTOR on a project
On Premises
Ability to change user password
Overlay during upgrade
Fixed bugs
Cron-log restart after proxy configuration update
Rule Description
Improvement of rule description Do not use in-hard concatenation in a stringbuilder and Use an adequate method of string concatenation (Java)
Deduplication of rule titles
Update of rule references
Rule Engine
New Feature / Improvements
No description about the rule of Prefer bitwise operation in web interface
Fixed bugs
Catch of rule exception
Indexoutofbound on rule StringConcatenationInAppendableConstructor
Consistent Waste metrics on web interface
Name and description added to one rule on Eclipse
Web Interface
Enable to delete testcase data if the uploaded testcase is wrong
Miscellaneous improvements
Fixed bugs
No more difference between CSV export and displayed violations in web interface
Tests cases displayed once in Evolution
Normal display in the rules page (Android/Html/Java) in web interface
Miscellaneous corrections