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Release Note 2.15.0 (2022-07-19)
New Features
As a user, I want a new command-line tool to assess the environmental impact of a digital service. This tool is now available in the modules page
As a user, I want a new command-line tool to generate a report from data from a measurement campaign. This tool is now available in the modules page
As a user, I can download android SDK platforms-tools and builds-tools in the modules page so that I can measure my site web or my app on local device with the TestRunner
As a user, I want new iOS GDSL methods to navigate in Chrome
Add GDSL Template files for custom tests. These templates are now available in the modules page.
Standardization of GDSL iOS compared to GDSL android :
Use same separator ',' to separate keyword
Standardization of the command name compared to GDSL android
Can comment line with #
Improve error handling by adding the GDSL line that crashes in the report
Improve error handling by adding the failed screenshot in the report
You need to pass the licenceKey in config file for offline measures (no contact with the Greenspector Core Server) with the Test Runner
To speed up the development of GDSL tests with Test Runner in USB mode, we have removed the 30 seconds delay when extra parameter '
' is passed in the job file.
Fixed bugs
Test Runner do not crash anymore when you launch GDSL test for iOS. In any case you have a test report.
Fixes a regression when using extra parameter '
config-skipsetupphone: true
' for your custom GDSL tests, the device setup is now ignored