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Release Note 2.12.5 (2022-03-25)
New features
As a user, I want a new probe so that I can do measurements on Crosscall Core-M5
When you use the GDSL startMeasure and stopMeasure methods, you can no longer make measurements that do not last long enough to be correctly analyzed (less than 1 second), an exception is thrown in this case.
Fixed bugs
Fixes the dashboard for benchmark web for some particular Web sites, in particular the Network Eco-score to '0' and the lack of network dashboard improvements.
Fixes the measurement save at the end of benchmark web for some particular Web sites
Fixes GDSL method
for Motorola g7 powerFixes Tests that stay on pending on test tracking page and that will never be measured on a TestBench device
Fixes benchmark web measurement for some particular Web sites that detect a bad browser user agent